Tuesday, March 18, 2008

ThiS iS mY 1st time uSing bLogspot.....

This is My 1st time writing bLog in this bLogsPot........

dO U aLL know Why I suddenly uSe bLogspOt????? XD......

It is becAuse mosT of My friEnds aLL aLso usE bLogspot.... that why I change it to bLogspot....

Anyway I just want to let some of my friends know that I will still use my xanga blog buT wiLL be seLdom..... Hehe..... Cause i wiLL be using this bLog as mY maiN bLog......

By the way I m so haPPy with my hoLiday noW..... But acTuaLLy is a bit boring.... Hehe....
But when coLLege start.... stress wiLL be coming back... Some more my class is tiLL night... Oh no.....

That wHy nowadays I have to enjoy while I m still in hoLiday mOod......XD...... =)