Sunday, December 14, 2008

CaSSanDra's Birthday... Celebrate at KLCC...


Today is another of my happy and enjoyable day!!!! Let me teLL u aLL about it!!! Hehe....
I suppose today my blog will be super long aGain....

Here it goes.....

This morning I went to church as usual with my mom.... I reach church around 8:40am I think... XD.... Desiree was already there.... Hehe.... So she also follow Shiew Ling they all have the jamming when they play the tambourine!!! Hehe.... I also teach her as well!!!

Today the service in church was ok.... There got special items from Debbie Fung and aLarice from Australia.... They sing us some couple of songs... all the songs were so nice!!! Haha..... Then I sms my mom and ask her to buy the CD for me... XD......

So after the service, I went over to my mom there and ask her to buy the CD for me..... XD.... Got one CD is RM20... The other 1 is RM40.... If buy 2 then is costs RM50.... So I ask my mom to buy 2 of it... XD..... So the RM50 gone...... XD......... Wakakakakakakakaka.....

Then after that, Des followed my go back to my house first.... Hehe..... Then my mom just drop us at home then she went to Pandan Indah to take something..... Hehe..... In my house, me and Des just watch TV and have some light snack... cause we were hungry and we want to reserve our stomach for dinner for Cassandra Birthday!!!!


Anyway me and Des change our clothes around 1 something.... then my mom helped me and Des to tie our hair nice nice..... hehe..... Then we leave the house and go to KLCC.... That time was so so so heavy rain.... So my mom send me and Des to Pandan Jaya LRT Station..... Hehe.....

We take STAR LRT Pandan Jaya Station to Masjid Jamek, then we changed train to PUTRA LINE to KLCC.... Hehe...... There were so so so many people..... Cause is a holiday as well.... And KLCC have PC Fair.... I think today was the last day!!!!!

When we reach KLCC, that time the rain had stopped but just drizzling.... so we went to PC Fair.... Cause I want to meet my friend.... 1st time meet him.... XD.... He was working there just for today!!!! Hahahaha.... When I was on my to the PC Fair near the Exit, My friend Surinder saw me.... He sms me and let me know.... I was so shocked... XD... So I called him.... He know what colour of the clothes I m wearing... XD..... I didn't see him.... Haha.... There have so so so so many people... really pack..... :P

Anyway I found my guy friend there.... Hehe.... He was nice I guess... Hope to see him soon!!! And at the PC Fair, I also ask about the Dell Laptop.... XD.... Hehe..... After that, me and Des went back to KLCC Shopping complex.... We were walking around and seeing things..... and Kee Ken has arrived.... So Des sms and called him but no one reply.... XD..... Then after for sometime, he reply edi... He said he was in the KFC.... So we went down to find him...

We saw him there, then he still having his meal.... So we didn't disturb him, we went the shop opposite the burger king.... We brought vanilla cone ice cream and french fried to eat for our snack cause we were a bit hungry edi..... LOL....... ^^

Then we ate near KFC and Kee Ken also finish his meal... and that time Cassandra sms her sis Desiree said that she already in KLCC.... We were so shocked.... XD... Cause We dun 1 2 bump into her.... We want to give her the surprise... XD....

So then we think where to go.... THen her sis Cass said want to eat at KIM GARY.... So walked toward the Putra Lrt Station the Avenue K there to see whether still got the KIM GARY a not... We went there and the guard said the shop already moved edi... We were like.... Huh?????

Then Kee Ken called Sue Ann..... Tell her about it... And she also not sure where to eat.... Then that time Dora almost reach to KLCC edi.... We waited for her and Sue Ann.... That time Sue Ann reached 1st then Dora reached!!!! Then we walked together into the KLCC Shopping Mall.... Desiree and Sue Ann went to find Cassandra cause she dunno me and Dora and Kee Ken are coming....

So me, Kee Ken and Dora went to Secret Recipe and get the cake.... I was so surprise that time, cause they say the cake we order do not have stock.... I was like HUH???? Then I use Kee Ken phone to called Sue Ann and ask Sue Ann to pass the phone to Desiree, and I told her about it.... THen I told the worker there to talked with Desiree and ask Dess to decide which cake to choose for her sis....

Then she choose Cuppocino Cheese Cake .... Actually we order New York Cheese Cake but they dun have stock... So nvm la.... Haiz...... Then we went to Pizza Hut... We decide to eat at Pizza Hut beside Secret Recipe when they said have place.... So me and Dora went in first while Kee Ken go and buy the lighter for the birthday cake.... Hehe..... After a while he came back.... The lighter costs about RM2.... Hehe......

THen we asked the waiter they all to put the cake in the fridge 1st.... We sitted in there and waited for Desiree, Cassandra the birthday girl and Sue Ann.... Hehehe.... After aorund 10 or 15 minutes later I think, then they reach!!! Hehe.....

That time, Cassandra was so so so so surprise to see me and Dora were there..... Hehe..... Then we asked Cassandra to order cause she was the birthday girl today.... XD..... I give her the presents as well.... All of us share budget... If dun share budget, I sure bankrup.... Hahaha.... Then after order the foods, we all were camworing.... XD..... We had so so so much of fun at Pizza Hut today..... We eat and we chat.... Hehe.... So happy to see Cassandra aGain after for so so so long.... Finally today can meet her.... So happy..... She didn't change much maybe just a bit... XD.....

After our meal..... Kee Ken went to take the Cake and we sing the Birthday Song to her... I can say everyone was looking.... XD...... Hehe...... Cassandra was so so so so shocked and touched also... She do not know that we brought cake for her as well..... She actually dun 1 us to pay cause she said that we haven't work and spend so much money edi!!! XD...... Anyway is ok la.... So long didn't see her edi!!!!

We finish our meal, then we went home.... Hehe..... Kee Ken went back 1st... Cause he was tired edi.... While Cassandra was waiting for us at the train station downstairs... Cause that time me and Desiree went to reload while Dora waiting for us... Hehe.... We board to the same train... But that time me and Dora were rushing.... So I and Dora board into the train while Des and Cass also board into the train but different doors..... Hehe.... THat time, the train were so so so so pack.... Really become Sardins edi.... Hahahaha..........................

I reach home about 8:10pm like that..... The whole day was fun...... Hahaha..... Can't wait to meet Cassandra again next time.... Some more I will not meeting my college friends also.... Cause different class edi... different time.... So hope to see them also although we different class and different day!!! Will ask them out.... ;)

Here are the pictures for today!!!!!

Des, Me, Debbie Fung and aLarice.... They are from Australia..... Hehe... Their songs are nice!!!! ^^

Here are the camwore pic at Pizza Hut with the Birthday Girl Cassandra.....

Top - Me and Dora
Bottom - Desiree and her Sis Cassandra.....

4 of us thinking something.... Hmm.... I wonder....

Desiree, Me and Dora....
(Oh No.... Dun Lick Me.... EEEWWWWW....... )

Candid Shot - 1
*Cassandra* Aiks.... :P

Candid Shot - 2
*Cassandra* ...... I wonder whose Hands is that....

Cassandra and Sue Ann....

Cassandra was ordering foods while Sue Ann was looking at her Camera I THINK.... LOL.....
(Random Pic) Wakakakakakakakaka :D

Cassandra and her birthday CaKe!!!!

Happy Birthday Cassandra....... Cuppocino Cheese Cake from Secret Recipe!!!!

Christmas tree at KLCC

Desiree and her sis Cassandra the birthday girL..... ;)

Des, Me and Dora.....
Dora, I know u Love me.... Hehe....
Love u 2!!!!! ~^^~

Kee Ken and Cassandra!!!

Des and Me doing funny faces....
Aiks.... Cute Dora smiLe.... Hehe.....

Me and Dora....

Me, Dora and Cassandra the Birthday girL..... ;)

Me, Dora and Kee Ken....

Cassandra the birthday girL cuTTing the caKe.....

Top : mE and Dora....
Bottom : Des and Cass....
So dull background....

Top : Me and Dora.....
Bottom : Desiree, Cassandra and Sue Ann....

Anyway I have a lot of fun today.... Really enjoy.... XD...
Hahaha..... tomorrow Monday my dad don't have work.... Got one day holiday...
Yeah.... will be going out...... XD.....
Can't wait for tomorrow to go out shopping.....
I want to buy things.... Since my parents go out with me and my sis....
They can buy for me.... I bankrup edi!!!!! XD......

Will update some more soon aGain!!!!